Wednesday, November 19, 2008

China start its First 20 millions RMB Investment to the "LED lighting Research&Development Fund"

Recently, the office manage the national "863 "LED lighting project Plan, project research and development and Industrial Union of the Secretariat of the National Semiconductor Lighting organized a meeting to found a "LED lighting R&D Fund". Its aim is to help reduce the industry and technology level gap between Chinese and foreign enterprises. The primary task for it is to form a Interests Community through co-investment,thus to solve the key technical problems in the development of LED lighting, to upgrade products, to face with the international competition together.
After two years of deliberation, the "Co-investment, risk-sharing, benefit-sharing R&D Fund " mode is becoming more and more clear. On the meeting, they discussed about the rules and manage way of the "LED lighting R&D Fund", and all the representatives of the meeting found-member have subscribed theirs share of fund automatically. The first phase of investment to the "LED lighting Research&Development Fund" is 20 millions RMB. The setting of the fund is good for excellent corporations achieve business combination in Chinese LED lighting industry, they can share the risk and benefit together, take part in the international competitions together in emerging science and technology industry as well.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Colourful Water Cube Created by LED

On the eve of National Day, a large-scale water features sound and light symphonic concert known as "Fantasy Water Cube" showed at the National Swimming Center (Water Cube). The concert sets light, water features, world famous music together, through its super performance team, splendid dance and light, shock effect of audio-visual, made the audience experienced a zero distance integration of technology and art charm once again.

At the night of September 30, when the reporter follow the meandering stream of people approaching the Water Cube, all the light were on, and the changing pattens of lights set off a festival atmosphere. Entered into the tournament field, it had been turned into a grand stage. All the LED lights of blue color mounted on the top of the stadium gave a dreaming feeling to people inside of it.

At the beginning of the performance, classical Chinese and foreign music played one by one. Sitting in the stands, people there can clear see LED lights fitted in the bottom of the Fountain, they changes with the ever-changing music. The audience were deeply intoxicated in the art of maya combined high technology.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Home Lighting Could Be Wireless Network

Lights may soon do more than just shine in dark places–they might wirelessly connect your computer, phone or car to the Internet.
Sounds strange, but consider this. Remote controls already use infrared light to communicate with TVs and DVD players. Turning ceiling and reading lamps into wireless access points could allow you to get your Internet fix almost anywhere.
These aren't just any lights, though. Little and other researchers hope to piggyback on the spread of light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs, which are finding favor as low-energy, long-lasting alternatives to the more conventional incandescent or fluorescent light bulbs.
Communicating with light
Using light to communicate is nothing new. The Romans used beacon fires to communicate between isolated forts, and lighthouses have long warned ships away from dangerous shores. Both NASA and the U.S. military have recently studied using lasers as a direct, high-speed form of communication.
However, the most common wireless network technologies today rely on radio frequencies. Those frequencies can get crowded and slow browsing speed to a crawl as more Internet users and devices occupy the same bandwidth.
"It's like being in a cocktail party," Little told LiveScience, noting that the "conversation gets louder and louder" as more people try to talk.
Light information bypasses the crowding problem by directly reaching individual users and devices, whether through a narrow laser or through light bulbs shining on a broad area. Information would first travel from a wireless router through a power line to a ceiling or lamp light. LED lights then transmit the data with flickering patterns undetectable by the human eye.
An added bonus for such a system is greater security, because light can't travel through walls like radio waves. A wireless network built on light would not go beyond the four walls of each room. Sneaky neighbors trying to catch free wireless Internet would have to crouch outside your window where light streams out.
A green wireless network
Little and his fellow researchers have already developed working prototypes using a modified wireless router and LEDs from a flashlight. The next big step in their plan relies on the rise of LED light bulbs in a world with ever-higher energy costs.
LEDs already appear in everything from computer screens to traffic lights, but have been slower to catch on as regular household lights because each bulb can cost $30 and up. Still, an LED bulb can last more than 50,000 hours compared with an incandescent bulb life of 1,000 hours – and the LED also cuts down on the electricity bill. So they are more costs effective.
"The real opportunity here is that LED has a lighting mechanism that offers such incredible energy savings over fluorescent bulbs," Little noted. He added that LED prices should come down over the next five to 10 years as more places use them.
Smart house, smart car
The effort is not limited to just enabling cheaper wireless networks across U.S. cities. Little talks about connecting everything wirelessly in a "smart" and energy-efficient home, including computers, TVs and thermostats.
Outdoor applications of local networks could also allow vehicles to communicate with each other. A car that senses a patch of ice through its anti-lock brakes might warn cars behind it automatically, with its LED brake lights transmitting the information.
"There's huge interest in the automotive and transportation industry," Little said. He pointed to a recent Audi demonstration of traffic lights communicating how soon they turn green, although he envisions using the actual light instead of a radio transmitter to tell cars.
Serious government dollars are backing such ideas. Little and 30 other researchers from Boston University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of New Mexico received $18.5 million from the National Science Foundation for a five-year research grant to develop the technology.
Several global communications firms are also negotiating deals to use the technology, which means that applications could appear sooner than later.

Price Analysis for high-powe LED, Mainly occupied the Lighting Market

Many high-power LED brands in domestic market are of different quality. Generally speaking, products from Gree and Lumileds continues to be the represetative of high-end, and they both have a complete product line to supply stable, which make them the mainstream in the field of this products. Take the product, 1W/3W white LED of 70-90m flux, for instance, its current market price is around 17 yuan, when it spent 18 yuan in August, relatevely stable. According to agents, the same type Lumiled is price 19 to 21 yuan. So, due to its advantage on satblity and price, Cree sells better than others in the market. Taiwan products accunted greatly for domestic high-power LED market, including Baihong, Xianjin, Addison, Yanjing and Weitian. Because Taiwan products are more cost-effective, they accounted for the vast majority high and medium grade products market, its 1W white LED price 10 to 15 yuan. By comparison, Baoguagn, Yiguang these two giants were started with low-power products, though now they manufacture high-power products of high-quality, they are not sharing a big market now.
Many domestic enterprises have high packing technology that equal to world's front-line super enterprises, so those high-power LED products use imported chips and encapsulated home have a lot of comparative advantages. What's more, the price is almost the same as Taiwan's, 1W white LED sales 10 to 15 yuan. While other total made domestic high-power LED price only close to 5.5 yuan. The reason for that is because the cost for labor and place are relatively lower, and mainly lies in the different quality.
Note: This artical is based on the summing up of price investigation made by Chinese LED website of domestice high-power LED suppliers and agents.

(Originated from Penny,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The comparison of Lighting Efficiency Between LED And Sodium

At the beginning of 2006, we installed our LED street lights LU4, 112W on half of the road to make the comparison with HPS 250W.

When we brought our customers to see the lights, they asked the same question,

Why with lower power consumption and lighting efficiency, LED streetlight is brighter than high power sodiums?

As so far, The efficiency of LED lighting is not so high as that of sodium. For LEDs, it is 65-70Lumens/Watt, and for sodiums, it can reach 125Lumens/Watt.

But the spectrum of sodium is more concentrative on yellow, its color temprature is as low as 2000~2500°K. Whereas the color temperature of LED is as high as 2500~5000°K or more. The beam from the sodium scatters irregularly, most of the beam doesn't shine on the ground.

And we must admit another fact that the Ra index of sodium is 20-40, very slow. Under the shining of sodium, it is very dim and we feel very dizzy. Ra of LED is as high as 75-80, under the shining of LU4, it is brght and we feel ease.

So from the actual lighting effect, LED lighting is much brighter than high power sodium.

LED lighting of 100W can replace the high power sodium of 250W or halogen of 300W. The lamp flux of 100W LED lighting is about 6000 lumens. The illumination flux is about 16 LUX on the ground with the lamp pole 12 meters high. For the high power sodium of 250W, it can give out 20,000 lumens, but on the ground it is about 7,000 lumens. its illumination flux on the ground is 30-40 lux. Because of the difference of Ra index, here are illumination flux amendment index for LED lighting and sodium. For LEDs, it is 2.35 times and for sodiums, it is 0.94 times. So after amending, under the shining of LED lamp, it is 37.6 lux. For the sodium, it is 28.2 -37.6 lux.

That why we say LED street light can properly replace the high power sodiums.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Passion, hope remain as Paralympics close

As China brought down the curtain on a spectacular Paralympics on Wednesday, the disabled in the country began new lives with passion and hope.
Standing on her balcony, Zheng Yue held out her hands to feel the illuminating fireworks in the sky.

"The Games mean much more than sports to me," said the 18-year-old blind girl.

"They mean confidence and understanding when the Paralympians get as many cheers and applauses as the Olympians do. I am so proud of them."

Zheng said memories of the splendid Games would accompany and inspire her in future.

International Paralympic Committee President Philip Craven applauded that the Beijing Paralympics had been first class.
"I think the two Games have been of equal splendor," he said on Wednesday, referring to the country's motto for the Games.

Admittedly, the 12-day event of great splendor has become an inexhaustible source of power for the disabled in China.

For thousands of amputees who lost their limbs to the destructive May 12earthquake in Sichuan Province, the Paralympics brought new hope.

Pan Yunlong, 18, who had his right leg amputated in the earthquake, huddled with his fellow classmates to watch the closing ceremony in a gray portable house.

He retrieved his passion for basketball when a little boy tossed up the ball skillfully in the London eight-minute performance.

"Smile to life and face up to challenges — those were what the tenacious Paralympians had taught me," said the optimistic teenager in his armchair.

"I will do my utmost to become one of them."

During the sports gala, about 4,000 disabled athletes from 148 countries and regions, the largest participation ever, showcased their courage and confidence, striving to break down walls of prejudice and discrimination.

A sport event at the scale of the Paralympics has been known to speed up critical changes.

In the eastern Jiangsu Province, Wei Dongxiang listened to a radio that he got from the local government months ago. Having lost his sight for 10 years, the 35-year-old wanted to grasp every sound from the grand closing ceremony in the "Bird's Nest" National Stadium.

"From infrastructure for the disabled to people's awareness of the welfare of the disabled population — changes happened everywhere in the country," he said.

"Paralympics come and go. But I hope the care for the disabled will stay."

In a country with 83 million disabled, there will never be too much care needed.

In preparing for the Paralympics, Beijing invested 600 million yuan (about 87.7 million U.S. dollars) to install and improve accessibility facilities.

"The Paralympics got some balls rolling," said Jia Yong, sports director of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, "changes have been made, and more are on the way."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One of the essentials of Chinese culture: Chinese Calligraphy

On the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, we were totally shocked by such a grand occasions. The exhibition of elements of Chinese culture left deep expressions for us. Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting were a very important parts of such essentials.

Here I would like present the top 5 famous Running Scripts of Chinese calligraphy.

Top 1: Lan Ting Xu
The Author, Wang Xizhi is the most famous master of calligraphy in ancient China. He created the work in A.D. 353. The original of the script is missing as so far.

Top2: Ji Zhi Wen Gao

This work was created in Tang Dynasty. The original script is collected in Japan.

Top3 : Huangzhou Han Shi Tie. Created by Su Shi, Song Dynasty

Top 4: Bo Yuan Tie. By Wang Xun, Jin Dynasty.

Wang Xun is one the grandsons of Wang Xizhi.
We call Wang Xizhi and his son, Wang Xianzhi "Two Wang". They played very important roles in Chinese culture. Both of them are not only the master of Calligraphy, but also the politicians and the litterateurs.

Top5: Jiu Hua Tie. By Yang Ningshi, Zhou Dynasty