Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One of the essentials of Chinese culture: Chinese Calligraphy

On the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, we were totally shocked by such a grand occasions. The exhibition of elements of Chinese culture left deep expressions for us. Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting were a very important parts of such essentials.

Here I would like present the top 5 famous Running Scripts of Chinese calligraphy.

Top 1: Lan Ting Xu
The Author, Wang Xizhi is the most famous master of calligraphy in ancient China. He created the work in A.D. 353. The original of the script is missing as so far.

Top2: Ji Zhi Wen Gao

This work was created in Tang Dynasty. The original script is collected in Japan.

Top3 : Huangzhou Han Shi Tie. Created by Su Shi, Song Dynasty

Top 4: Bo Yuan Tie. By Wang Xun, Jin Dynasty.

Wang Xun is one the grandsons of Wang Xizhi.
We call Wang Xizhi and his son, Wang Xianzhi "Two Wang". They played very important roles in Chinese culture. Both of them are not only the master of Calligraphy, but also the politicians and the litterateurs.

Top5: Jiu Hua Tie. By Yang Ningshi, Zhou Dynasty


Anonymous said...

You have so many copies of Chinese Calligraphy, I think it can be a great pleasure to enjoy them sometimes. However, the character is so far from us, some are difficult to recognize, some even changed the form, to help you learn Chinese character, check the link .

Anonymous said...

I love the calligraphy. How amazing the Chinese character could be, which diverse from each other but has the same meaning. That's why I choose Chinese to learn.